
Friday, September 14, 2012

Why EVERY wedding needs a photo booth

..yes, EVERY wedding.

As some of you may know, I am engaged and am marrying the most incredible man EVER in less than four months. We were engaged in December and since then my life has been completely consumed with school, work, dress fittings, school, cake tastings, work, wedding board pinning, yadda, yadda, yadda.

While all of this has been fun (except the school and work.. that wasn't necessary.. ), my favorite part has been going to bridal shows with one of my dearest friends, Abby.

Abby is getting married next weekend (CAN'T wait!), so we got to share our engagement/bridal fair experiences together. We attended wedding gown fashion shows, survived several sugar induced comas from all the cake we sampled, chatted with potential DJs and photographers together, the whole nine yards. While all of this was a blast, the best part had to have been trying out the photo booth machines.

Fun, right!?

Now, actual photo booth machine rentals can be a bit pricy (they will typically run you around $500-$800 for 3-4 hours which doesn't cut it for this thrifty bride!), but there is an alternative: set up a backdrop (whether it be a solid colored hanging sheet, scenic background, etc.), pick up fun props from a thrift store and grab a friend/family member/acquaintance/photographer/anyone to take pictures for you and voila! You have your own, personalized makeshift photo booth. 

The homemade photo booth works just as well for a fraction of the price. AND you can fit even more people into the pictures (whereas with a machine, you're lucky to squeeze in 6 people). Photo booths will capture the personalities of your guests more so than your regular, generic professional snapshots and you have the ability to make a fun scrapbook with all the pictures you receive.

So, the moral of my post tonight is this: EVERY wedding needs a photo booth (hence the title) and, if you're engaged, grab a girlfriend or two and head to a bridal fair. You will get all sorts of ideas and discounts for your wedding and you'll make new memories with your girlfriends that you'll cherish forever.


  1. Great ideas and outside resources! I've always thought that would be so fun...yet so expensive. Loving the alternatives.

    1. That was my thought too! But the homemade ones are almost better because you can make it your own with your own props and backgrounds!

      Thanks so much for stopping by--have a great weekend!

  2. Hilarious photos! Our church is redoing our directory and we're doing a DIY photo booth with goofy props like this for our new's going to be fabulous! I'd love for you to stop by and share this here:

    1. How fun is that!? Love it!! Thanks for the comment! Love your blog and will definitely link up :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. LOVE the photobooth idea!
    We have no weddings coming up in the near future, but I sure gotta remember this, so I am pinning...
    Have a super great weekend, and ENJOY the wedding next week!


  4. I love photo booths for all occassions. I like the idea of doing your own. I have so many props from teaching pre-schoolers. Would you use an instant camera so they can take pictures home or a printer. I think seeing the pictures right away makes it more fun.

  5. Okay, hold the phone. I've never even considered this for a wedding, but the idea is GENIUS. For real! Who doesn't love a photo booth? (Answer: Nobody! 'Cept maybe my mom! But statistically she doesn't count, so let's pretend I didn't even say that!) Dang. Can we rewind the last 11 years and let me have a do-over on the whole wedding reception? Because this would've been a saweeeet addition.
    -Brittney (my shiny new home-decor blog; come on by if you'd like! I love visitors, especially photo booth-loving ones...)

  6. Sounds like you are having a blast wedding planning. The last wedding I went to had a photo booth and it was a great time. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  7. This is awesome. The last wedding I went to- they didn't have a photo booth perse but a person operating a camera and fun props-wish I thought of it for my wedding! We just passed out disposable cameras. But the pix we got back were PRICELESS! You are welcome to link up on tomorrow's Photo Friday over at Ladies Holiday! Cheers!

  8. This is a great idea & looks SO much fun! Thanks for sharing your talent with us at Gettin' Krafty last week! Can't wait to see what you've got this week!

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  10. definitely going to keep this in mind when it's my turn ;)


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