
Friday, November 16, 2012

Bachelor Party Goody Bags

Brandon and his friends leave for the mountains today for his big bachelor party! It sounds like their plans are to snowboard, hit up the local brewery and relax--sounds like a good time to me!

I really like all of Brandon's friends/groomsmen/ushers and wanted to do something to thank them for taking part in our special day.

So, I decided to make some bachelor party goody bags.

I came up with the idea all by myself and was extremely impressed and excited that I had.

(Okay, in the spirit of Thanksgiving I feel like I can't lie.. I got the idea off Pinterest.. of course. But the contents of the bag were all my idea!)

Here's what they contain:

It is a bachelor party after all...
Morning after medicine.
Chapstick is ALWAYS good to have on hand when you're skiing/snowboarding/visiting the mountains when it's snowing.
Gum is a universal necessity.
Voila! I had so much fun deciding what to put in these!

All set to go!
I hope the guys all have a fun time at the bachelor party! I can certainly say my girlfriends and I had a blast at mine
Party, Party, I like to Party


  1. These goodie bags are awesome! the guys will love them!

  2. Oh my gosh I LOVE it, now that is a bachelor bag! Thanks so much for sharing on Super Sweet Saturday.

  3. How clever! I know Gatorade helped me through some rough mornings during my bachelorette days. :)

  4. Hey, great ideas! I think I might do this so I can help my brother with his bachelor party in las vegas.


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