
Friday, March 15, 2013

The 'B' Word.. and The Chronicles of Aunt Annie!

This week has totally gotten away from me.. ugh!

I had some stuff come up and ended up having to go home to Colorado on Wednesday so I haven't had a lot of time to plan my Rocky Mountain Colorado Vacation Guide..

So stay tuned for the Rocky Mountain Vacation Guide next Friday.

Until then, I'm just going to cut to the chase and tell you about something that has been on my mind.

...Brandon and I have only been married 2 months and we both want a baby (what B word did you think I was talking about?).

We know it isn't the right time. We both want to travel and work for a bit before settling down and starting a family so that's what we plan to do.. and I want to be a stay-at-home mom so it's important to me to work a little and put some more money into our savings (I heard that babies are expensive.. it could just be a rumor, I don't know).

I did some research though and discovered that it's pretty typical for newlyweds to want to start a family right away.. and I think Brandon and I are both yearning to care for and nurture someone/something.

I think we're going to go adopt a dog from the humane society (preferably a 125 pound Great Dane..).

Sooo, we're just going to roll with the punches for awhile.. and that's just fine! If God decides we're supposed to have a baby sooner than later, it will happen.

This is what said our baby will look like.. this picture should be birth control in itself.
In the meantime, I get to spoil these two cuties..

I have always wanted to be an aunt (probably because I have the most awesome aunts ever!) and was fortunate enough to get an adorable niece and nephew when I married Brandon. So, I'm just going to enjoy my time as Aunt Annie!

Benny the night before our wedding.
My sweet Sara and the headband I got her for Christmas.
And I'm an honorary aunt to this blue eyed cutie (one of my best friends sons)!


  1. Awww yay! And your are his aunt and the honor is all ours!!!!

  2. See, I'm the exact opposite. My fiancé wants to start our family right away but I want to wait for a little while. And yeah, kids are expensive. The picture from is awesome! :) Totally made me LOL. So I had to go and check it out of course. And good Lord... Abid and I's was crazy looking too. :)


  3. You're not the only one who has/had baby fever. About three months after I got married I started thinking I wanted to have a kid. Instead we decided to get a dog. Best thing ever too, he's pretty much like having a toddler amped up on sugar running around the house.

  4. This post is so funny! I love your picture! I should do one for me and my husband and see if it looks like either one of our girls. And we totally did the kids quick thing. I got pregnant 6 months after we got married. Well actually 3 months, but I miscarried the first one. So I've been pregnant 3 times in the 3 years we've been married. Yeah we're pretty crazy, but it was supposed to happen and we've never looked back! I love it!


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