
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Easy and "Sweet" Homemade Father's Day Gift

My dad has always been really easy to buy gifts for.

Seriously, he loves anything.. and I love that he loves anything!

I always try to get him something fun and different each Father's Day so I was pumped when I found this on Pinterest last June:

Seriously, how fun is that?!

So after church on Father's Day, my brother and I ran to the local dollar store to pick up the supplies we needed. We used the above image as our guide but ended up doing our own thing for the most part.

Here's what we came up with:

Translation: Dear Dad, We were going to send you to New York for Father's Day but our boss, Russell Stover's pet turtle was Rolo'd (rolled) over and Crunch'd (crunched) by a truck. We didn't get our Pay Day because he had to pay for the surgery, leaving us with Zero. We really Mento (meant to) have Mounds of fun on vacation so don't Snicker. Love, The 3 Musketeers.
The picture isn't too great (I took it on my phone with no intention of one day blogging it) and my hand writing isn't nearly as neat/legible as the sample one up top but my dad got a kick out of it and thought it was a "sweet" gesture (ba-dum ching!).

We bought the candy and board for about $7 and had a blast coming up with the story/assembling it.. give it a go for your dad this Father's Day!

Party, Party, I like to Party


  1. It is such a cute idea... but sadly if I did this for my dad it wouldn't go over well. My dad has diabetes and he wouldn't find it so amusing. But a cute idea nevertheless. :)


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