
Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Funnies

It looks like we've made it to yet another Friday!

I hope that everyone had a fabulous week--I have had a little bit appetite this week so I've been able to eat more (still mostly protein bars, Ensure shakes and yogurt.. but we're making progress!). I still get really light headed from time to time (so much so that I started to pass out during an interview Wednesday night--lovely) and I woke up really sick yesterday morning (again, lovely) but it seems like I'm getting my energy back and I've been able to go on 2+ mile walks every other day. Woot.

Anyway, enough about that--lets wrap up our week with some unadulterated hilarity!

This reminds me soooo much of our old family Christmas card photo shoots.
This actually happened to me a few months ago.. it's one of the occurrences that prompted me to take a pregnancy test.

And finally, I saw this video on a friends FB the other day and had to share it--the whole video is Bitsy to a T.

Have a great weekend!



  1. LOL, these are the best. I am at a loss for a blog idea for the day, so I think I will post funnies as well :) Happy Friday!

  2. The "you've already said "what?" 3 times" is hilarious!! Been there a few times.


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