
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday

Welcome to another exciting edition of WIWW!

Today's outfit is called "The Cool Mom" (which describes me to a T, right?)!

Last Saturday, my guys and I spent the day running errands and shopping, so I wanted to wear something that was comfortable and fun--this outfit covered all the bases!

Outfit info:
1.) I picked up the Stone's tee at Goodwill in 2011 and have gotten lots of good wear out of it--I love how versatile it is and how it can be easily paired with jeans, yoga pants, or a skirt & blazer! 
2.) The charm bracelet was a Christmas gift from my mom--it adds a fun pop of color to my pale, white arms (ha).
3.) Have I mentioned that I live next to a Gordmans (yes, I am going to bring this up every post because I'm so stinking excited about it)? That's where I picked up these Amethyst jeans--they fit really, really well and I love the darker wash.

All together, this "cool mom" ensemble cost me maybe $30 (I love a good deal!)--gotta love thrifting and bargain shopping! Next week, I will be sharing the outfit that I'm wearing to Jack's baptism so be sure to stop back for all the deets.

1 comment:

  1. It's 09:30. I'm still in pjs, reading blogs and nursing Samuel. LOL Reading this one has inspired me to go get dressed! ...and MAYBE I'll try to dig out my makeup...


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