
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Year Ago Today..

..I took a long walk to the post office and had to stop multiple times to sit down and catch my breath.

..I took a shower and noticed the "girls" looking a little different.

..I sped over to the drug store to pick up pregnancy tests.

..I peed on a stick.

..I called my best friend to tell her Brandon's & my lives were about to change forever.

..I had blood work taken.

..I rushed to Walmart to buy a KU romper.

..I took this video:

..God blessed our lives tremendously.

Yes, it was one year ago today when we first learned we were going to be parents--and what a crazy, amazing, emotional, and wonderful experience it's been!

Read the whole story here.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's fun to be able to remember when you found out. I found out December 15th, 2010 :)


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