It's hard to believe that Brandon and I are getting married in less than four months--our engagement is flying by so quickly!!
Over the last few weeks, Brandon has been working on our wedding
website (we’re looking for ways to save money with the wedding so we’re
doing all of our RSVPs via the website). Anyway, Brandon asked me to
write our proposal story to post on the site, so I did–except it was the
edited, condensed, less embarrassing version.
Friends: I will now share the full, unedited proposal story with you. Enjoy!
The day started off like any magical day at Magic Kingdom.
We’d spent
the morning and early afternoon taking in parades, perusing shops and
riding rides. It wasn’t until the 3 o’clock parade that I became
suspicious that something big might be happening..
I was sitting on the curb watching the parade when Brandon informed
me that we needed to get going–so I got up and followed him and his
cousin, James, to Cinderella’s Castle. When we got there, we stopped
outside of Cinderella’s Royal Table, an incredible restaurant that is
impossible to get reservations to. This is when I started getting a
little suspicious..
we got into the restaurant, we were greeted by Cinderella herself (who
was gracious enough to take a picture with us.. however, I can't find the picture at this time)! We then toured around
the castle and headed up the stairs to the dining section of the castle. While
we munched on our decadent Hors d’oeuvres, several Disney princesses
made their way around the restaurant to meet and snap pictures with the
guests (including my favorite, Sleeping Beauty!).
had butterflies–I just knew something was going to happen. But the
butterflies started turning into nerves.. but in a good way! I knew that
if something was going to happen, I wanted it to happen then and now.
So I continued to eat the incredible food. It was around the time we met
Ariel that I knew I was going to be sick–the
butterflies/anticipation/excitement/nerves were not settling well with
the stuffed chicken breast I was eating..
I went to the bathroom.. and puked. And puked. And puked. I sat in
there for about ten minutes when I decided that I was feeling better and
that needed to head back out so I wouldn’t ruin the whole moment (if
there was going to be a moment!). When I got back out to the table, I
was informed that Belle had visited and was coming back so we could get a
picture. While we waited, I chugged water. I really was feeling better!
Until I stood up to meet Belle..
smile on my face in this picture is a little forced.. I knew I was
going to be sick again. Once Belle danced off to the next table, I once
again excused myself to the restroom. And I puked. And puked. And puked
some more. So after another 10 minutes in the restroom, I headed back to
the table to find a concerned Brandon. I sat down and told him I was
fine and that I was just a little nervous (which totally clued him in to
my suspicions..) but was better now. The concern on his face quickly
turned to disgust. This is how I remember the dialog going:
B: Oh, Annie.. you have something.. *points to face*
A: *curses in head* Sick… I’ll be right back.
B: Right now?
A: Yes! I have to clean up!
So, I once again excused myself and ran to the bathroom to clean up a little and fix my makeup.
I came back to the table, sat down and
that’s when the waitress came up behind me, announced she had a special
dessert for me, laid down a white tray and lifted the lid to reveal the
most incredible ring I have ever seen. Brandon then got down on one knee and asked
me to marry him (this should go without saying but I said yes!).
Everyone in the restaurant then began applauding and “aww”ing as Brandon
and I hugged and kissed. I really couldn’t have asked for a more
perfect proposal—or fiancé!
Just FYI: I am chewing gum.. I chewed a lot of gum after my little incident! |
Brandon and I immediately called our
parents and I sent a picture of the ring to several of my girlfriends.
When we got up to leave, the restaurant broke into applause once again
(it was REALLY cool). We celebrated our engagement by riding my all-time
favorite ride, Splash Mountain, and then a few others before retiring
back to the hotel.
Oh, and apparently when I went to clean up
my face, the waitress was bringing out the tray–that’s why Brandon was
asking if I really needed to leave right then.
So, folks, now you know the REAL story of Brandon's and my proposal (and I’m sure you’re thrilled).
Even with the excessive nerves, it was absolutely perfect–my dream proposal!
Do you have a memorable proposal story? I'd love to hear about it!