
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Giving Up Cursing and Eating Fish

It's Mardi Gras, ya'll!

Or, if you're Catholic like me, it's Fat Tuesday!


This is actually my favorite season of the year (well, that and the Advent/Christmas season)--it's such a peaceful time and I love how our church family comes together in prayer and fellowship. It is also a time to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and how he gave his life for you and me.

Lent is also a time of fasting and giving up certain luxuries for forty days and nights. I typically try to give up something that I rely on for lent and then do something to bring me closer to Christ.

And this year is no exception.

For this Lenten season, I will be giving up cursing (I did this last year and was fairly successful--I just have to warn everyone ahead of time not to do or say anything stupid until Easter Sunday..) and will work at being a more life giving wife to Brandon by doing something nice or special for him everyday.

I hope that everyone has a peaceful and Christ centered Lenten season.

To help everyone get started on the right foot, I'd like to share ten of my favorite Lenten Friday meals--it sure beats Kraft Mac and Cheese (actually, I lied--that stuff in the blue box is some of my favorite food ever)!
  1. Shrimp and Artichoke Pasta
  2. Brown Sugar French Toast
  3. Cheesy Shrimp Casserole
  4. Protein(y) Linguine
  5. Grilled Salmon with a Brown Sugar Glaze
  6. Momma's Fruity Shrimp
  7. Shrimp Festival
  8. Raspberry Jalapeno Quesadillas
  9. Crab Mac & Cheese
  10. Slow Cooker Green Bean Dumpling Soup
Party, Party, I like to Party


  1. Your Shrimp & Artichoke Pasta recipe looks fabulous! I plan to make this one; thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your post at Full Hands, Full Hearts. Crab Mac & Cheese sounds fantastic. Looking forward to trying some of these recipes!


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