Words cannot express just how joyous and wonderful Christmas 2014 was for our family.
Headed to Mass with my little munchkin |
I'm not sure where he learned this, but this is Jax's new fake "smile" (he squints and says "mmm" while he does it--hilariously adorable!).. |
It isn't Christmas Eve until Aunt Nancy and I take our annual crown picture! |
2009-2014 |
We took our first ever family picture on Christmas Eve last year so I felt we had to remake it.. it didn't turn out quite the same. |
On Christmas Eve (pictured above), I ran around like mad in search of
our sold out party crackers/crowns, met my parents at my Aunt Nancy & Uncle Rolf's house, attended mass, awaited Brandon & my brothers post-work arrivals, ate delicious pizza, and opened stockings. It was perfection and reminded me again of why Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the entire year!
Merry Christmas! We're going to the Avs game for our wedding anniversary next weekend! |
My husband (the comedian) wrapped my gift in duct tape which took me a good 10 minutes to open.. but it was worth it in the end! |
Typical baby--given several beautiful gifts and only wanted to play with the wrapping paper and boxes. |
Again with the face (and is it just me or does Jax look a little Bob Hope-ish here?). |
On Christmas morning, we all slowly woke up and got ready (we all stayed the night at my aunts), began opening gifts a little after 10, sat around and visited, and indulged in a wonderful dinner prepared by my Aunt & Uncle--we were blessed beyond measure by thoughtful and generous family members and received way more than we deserved. It was such an amazing and peaceful day (despite almost dying multiple times during the drive home--dang blizzard!) that we won't soon forget!
I hope you all had a great day with your family and friends! I pray this Christmas season continues to give you peace in your hearts and joy in your lives--it truly is the most wonderful time of the year!
LOVE his new smile, cracks me up.