As many of you know, Brandon and I flew to Kansas City early Saturday morning to attend the wedding of one of Brandon's old friends and to visit other friends we hadn't seen in forever -- it was such a fun (albeit short) weekend full of laughter, authentic KC BBQ, and selfie stick pics!
My dad dropped us off at the airport on Saturday and we were greeted by HUGE lines at the Frontier desk.. we panicked when we heard they'd just launched a new computer system and were expecting waits up to 3 1/2 hours! *GULP* Fortunately, we were able to check in at the kiosk (though we complicated things by leaving Jackson with Grammy & Grandpa--literally nobody could figure out how to remove an infant from our ticket and it kept throwing off their count), mosey on through security, grab coffee, and board our plane just in the nick of time.
Video chatting with this little nugget while waiting for our flight |
After landing and picking up our rental car, we ventured over to our friends Tyler & Jessica's beautiful home (they were our wonderful hosts!) and headed to downtown KC for some authentic Kansas City BBQ.
My first ever KC BBQ was a saucy success--Arthur Bryant's DID NOT disappoint! |
We ate and ate until we were all uncomfortably full and headed back to the Thompsons to visit for a bit and get ready.
Then it was wedding time!
The party don't start 'til Annie whips out the (selfie) stick! |
Our friends Brandon and Jana (one of the lovely bridesmaids) |
We were trying to get a picture with the bride and groom but they were busy so I we decided to take random pictures. |
The wedding & newlyweds were both beautiful (and I'm still kicking myself for not getting pictures of them and the venue!) and we had a great time catching up with old friends and making multiple trips to the open bar. After a few hours, we left to meet Tyler, Jessica, and some of our old professors at Power and Light District for a drink.
"I need a picture of us for my blog!" |
On Sunday morning, we woke up slowly (and groggily) and visited with the Thompsons a bit more before grabbing a quick & delicious lunch at The Waffle House and heading back to the airport. We had such a great time seeing so many friends and wished we could have stayed a few days longer but it was time to get home to our toddler who I missed desperately!!
Though I don't think he missed us too much..
Grammy & Grandpa took Jax to a train show, lunch, and then hosted my Aunt Nancy & Uncle Rolf for a fried chicken dinner on Saturday.. our guy was getting plenty of attention and had lots of fun! |
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